Stromboli Research Expedition

This installation is the end result of an idea which Aurelian Ammon, Carlo Natter and I have developed during our stay on the Italian volcanic island Stromboli. We had the fortunate opportunity to visit and work on Stromboli for a few days. Those days were filled with quite a few new impressions and experiences.

While on the island we observed the unique formations of rocks, surfaces, and structures we found all throughout the island with the looming presence of the volcano all around us. A feeling you can‘t quite shake off when standing on the soil of Stromboli, an uncertainty, instability and a constant question of what if there is an eruption.

Not only did it make us think about catastrophes but also about how we humans settle on lands, how nature expands itself and the usual timeframe required for both of these processes. While we humans and ourselves comparatively limited in the time we get to spend on this planet, we have found ways to shape the land to our need in the matter of a few short days. Nature, on the other hand, takes a much longer time to grow, adapt and shape the landscape. But what if nature accelerates its growth? What if we don‘t have time to respond to a natural phenomenon? Then we usually call it a catastrophe.

Quickly expanding geological landmass descending down on human civilization, overwhelming it and making it one with the landscape. Nature putting the usually dominant humans back into their place and making us part of its entirety.

View from the top of the volcano
Exhibition setup before the eruption.
Exhibition setup during the happening.
europe's most active volcano, Stromboli.